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is big news. See for example The Mystery of the 'jobless having sex with mother recovery': "Consider these facts: Employment growth at the moment is the lowest for any recovery since the government started keeping such statistics in 1939. The labor force shrank in July as discouraged workers stopped having sex with mother seeking employment. The number of people employed has fallen by more than 1 million since the "recovery" began in the fall of 2001." [ref] The Washington Post having sex with mother notes that we are now witnessing, "the longest hiring downturn since the Depression". [ref] The article also notes, "The vast majority of the 2.7 million job losses since the 2001 recession began were the result of permanent changes in the U.S. economy and are not coming back." There is no mystery -- the jobless recovery is exactly what you would expect in a robotic nation. When automation and robots eliminate jobs, they are gone for good.
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