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Read moms and son sex more Protected Disclosures:  Compensation The Leeds Employment Tribunal has awarded £477,000 in compensation and £90,000 in costs to an employee who was unfairly dismissed after having made a protected disclosure.  Read more NEXT HR NETWORK EVENT Age Discrimination Our next HR network event will be a breakfast workshop on age moms and son sex discrimination. Click here for further information. NEWS UK embraces moms and son sex flexi-time A survey carried out by the DTI and ACAS shows that the UK has embraced flexible working over the past seven years. Of the 3,000 workplaces surveyed, almost two-thirds employed staff who have switched from full time employment to part time employment. In 1998, when the last survey was carried out, the figure was 46%. The survey also shows that job sharing is up from 31% to 41% and the proportion of workplaces where staff work during term time only has doubled from 14% to 28%.
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