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The computer power we will have in a home machine around 2050 will be mother in law sex story utterly amazing. A typical home computer will have processing power and memory capacity that exceeds that of a human brain. What we will have in 2100 is anyone's guess. The power of a million human brains on the desktop? It is impossible to imagine, but not unlikely. We need to start thinking about mother in law sex story that future today. People are talking optimistically about fielding a team of humanoid robotic soccer players able to beat the best human players mother in law sex story in 2050. Imagine a team of C-3POs running and kicking as well as or better than the best human soccer stars, but never getting tired or injured. Imagine that same sort of robot taking 50% of America's jobs. This Honda ad for ASIMO, and the fact that Honda is running it, are telling: Honda ad from the back cover of Smithsonian magazine, January 2003 As the ad says, "ASIMO could be quite useful in some very important tasks."
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