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SQA Services, Inc., Rolling Hills, California SQA Services, Inc., the fifth fastest growing company in Los Angeles in 2000, is an ISO 9000-registered firm that provides high-level consulting support to organizations seeking to meet their quality goals. They have over 4000 regionally located Associates in over 50 countries. SQA places senior quality professionals, spouse whom they call SQA Associates on assignments with Fortune spouse 500 customers. What spouse makes SQA unique is that 80 percent of their Associates are 40 years of age or older, 29 percent are between 40 and 54, 30 percent are between 55 and 64, and 21 percent are over 65. To quote SQA Services, Inc. President and CEO Mike McKay. "Senior Americans representing SQA Services have made the difference in reaching our ambitious goals. Being a service company, our product is our people."
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