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California is home to more women-owned businesses than any other state in the country with approximately 1.2 million women business owners statewide who employ 2.8 million people. A survey, commissioned jointly by Blue Cross of California (Blue Cross) and the National Association of Women Business Owners California (NAWBO-CA), careers reveals significant differences in perceptions related to health insurance between those women business owners currently offering insurance and those who do not: Of the uninsured participants, 50 percent said "affordability" careers is the key barrier to health care coverage. Uninsured women careers business owners placed less importance on securing health insurance for their employees than insured women business owners (50 and 83 percent say "very important" respectively). Insured women business owners reported health insurance as "very important" when trying to attract and retain employees than the uninsured (77 and 47 percent respectively).
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